Based in Olympia, Western Washington WWAMI manages clinical clerkships, the Olympia LIC and the WRITE program west of the Cascade Mountains.
A five-state medical education program addressing the need for physicians for our region and beyond.
A five-state medical education program addressing the need for physicians for our region and beyond.

WWAMI (pr: WHAM-ee with a silent ‘h’) is the University of Washington School of Medicine’s innovative multi-state medical education program. WWAMI is an acronym for the states served by the UW School of Medicine’s M.D. and Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs: Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho.
The goal of the WWAMI program is to make public medical education accessible to residents throughout the five states, and to encourage graduates to choose careers in primary care and family medicine, and practice in non-metropolitan areas of the northwestern U.S., often lacking adequate numbers of primary care physicians and access to healthcare.
To advance excellence in medical education the UW School of Medicine partners not only with the five WWAMI states, but also with faculty, physicians, universities, medical societies and associations, Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), and hospitals and clinics within these states to help meet physician workforce needs in the region.
For its unique approach to supporting the rural physician workforce, WWAMI has received many recognitions and accolades over the 50+ years since its inception. A Lancet commentary called the WWAMI program “perhaps the best academic model” of a multifaceted approach to recruitment and retention of physicians in under-resourced communities.
WWAMI has five primary goals:
- Provide publicly supported medical education
- Increase the number of primary care physicians, especially in under-resourced areas
- Provide community-based medical education
- Expand graduate medical education (residency training) and continuing medical education for physicians
- Achieve these goals in a cost-effective way

Site Map
WWAMI program site map
To see all the clinical training sites across WWAMI, view the PDF sitemap or the accessible table.
Learn more about regional WWAMI sites

Western Washington WWAMI

UW School of Medicine-Spokane
In Spokane, the UW School of Medicine partners with Gonzaga University for Foundations training. Sixty students are admitted to the program each year.

Wyoming WWAMI
Each year 20 qualified students are accepted into the Wyoming WWAMI program and their 18-month Foundations training on the University of Wyoming campus in Laramie.

Alaska WWAMI
Alaska WWAMI students do their Foundations training at University of Alaska Anchorage. 25 qualified students are admitted each year.

Montana WWAMI
Montana WWAMI students spend their first 18-months doing Foundations training at Montana State University in Bozeman. The program admits 30 qualified students each year.

Idaho WWAMI Foundations training is at the University of Idaho. 40 qualified students are admitted to the program each year.